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Quick Link to News for regular visitors of this site. (Don't forget the poll.)

Last Update: 

This is a site about the video game series The Legend of Zelda. This website is webmastered by Conrad VanderWoude, World's Best Zelda 1 Player.

Welcome to HYLIA.Com.
Heroic Young Link's Incredible Adventures



HYLIA.Com is an up-and-coming major website about The Legend of Zelda, run by "Conrad VanderWoude", World's Best Zelda 1 Player, former webmaster of ZHQ (which was once officially called Zelda Headquarters).

HYLIA.Com is not owned by or affiliated with Nintendo. Certain terms used by the site may be copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks or similar belonging to Nintendo, Nintendo of America, or similar. The term "Hylia" comes from a video game which is Copyright by Nintendo, and is used in good faith without explicit prior permission. More information about Copyrights which may be used on this page will be added to this web site in the near future. More information about Nintendo's Copyrights may be obtained by contacting Nintendo of America at nintendo@nintendo.com.


HYLIA.Com has polls!
What should the new name of the "Letters" section be?

The Outbox    
WOEWaste oE-Mail
Hylian Hearsay
Hylian Hieroglyphics
(Hieroglyphical) Handwritings
Triforce Talk

If you select Other (or even if you don't) please E-Mail Us any other ideas you have.

Disclaimer: Results of poll do not necessarily constitute section's new name as they are not the sole criteria, but you can vote for fun anyways
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(This poll is currently completed.)

Table Of Contents:

What's New
Pre-Launch Site FAQ
Other Sites

Thank you for checking out this site.
At the moment, it's quite incomplete and I don't have much ready for public viewing, which is why you don't see very many pages up. I'll try to give indications on when I anticipate being able to update the page again. Now that the site's been publicly announced somewhere, I will try to make sure updates aren't more than a week apart, even before the main site launch is ready (and after that time, updates should of course be more frequent). For more details on the update schedule, see the FAQ.

What's new

December 6, 2004 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
December 9, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 21, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 14, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:


(RELEASE DATE: No later than FEBRUARY 8, 2003)

(Official Release Date for Master Quest was February 16, 2003)


April 2, 2003   by Conrad VanderWoude:
Update for April Fool's Day 2003   by Conrad VanderWoude:
March 25, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
February 27, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
February 8, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
February 7, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
January 23, 2003 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 30, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 23, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 7, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
September 18, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 24, 2002 A.D. (Update #2)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 24, 2002 A.D. (Update #1)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 22, 2002 A.D. (Update #3)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 22, 2002 A.D. (Update #2)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 22, 2002 A.D. (Update #1)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 20, 2002 A.D. (Update #2)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 20, 2002 A.D. (Update #1)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 16, 2002 A.D. (Minor Update)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
May 15, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
February 8, 2002 A.D. (Minor Update)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
February 7, 2002 A.D.   by Conrad VanderWoude:
December 17, 2001 A.D. (Minor Update)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 7, 2001 A.D. (Minor Update)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 5, 2001 A.D. (Minor Update)   by Conrad VanderWoude:
November 2, 2001 Anno Domini   by Conrad VanderWoude:


Other Sites

Since HYLIA.Com isn't quite ready to go in prime time, I thought I'd place these links right on the main page for ya'. Kinda gives you an incentive to bother coming here and not just visiting the other sites: Going from here to the other sites is pretty easy. Here are some other notable Zelda sites:

The one address on this page which did not point to Vortex Generation's home for IZC has now started updating again. With, yup, you guessed it, another new E-Mail address for Ice.

Kakariko Village Square A message board. Once considered ZHQ's official message board, people active on this board have generally considered it to be fairly independant of ZHQ.
Zelda Power A large web site with lots of Zelda material. Since November, its updates have been more than 2 weeks apart and, as of this last writing, the last update was over 3 weeks ago.
Ganon's Tower This webmaster approached me, and with a cursory glance through his web site I decided it looks like a fairly decent web site. (See FAQ Answer #11 about contacting me asking for links.) When I look through the site more, I may give a more detailed description.
I have been in contact with the webmaster and this site should be getting back up shortly.
IZCThe last known location for IZC at Vortex Generation has disappeared (along with the rest of Vortex Gen). The one address that didn't still point to Vortex Generation has now started updating again. After all this time. And the addresses that used to point to Vortex Gen still do or are down. IZC All of the locations I've known IZC to be hosted at, except one, are pages that redirect you so that you eventually end up at Vortex Generation's IZC. Still tickin' after all this time, Ice's Zelda Central has done a decent job of updating frequently. Most of its most recent updates have been of the editorial/small fanfic nature.

Downed Sites
The following sites were regularily updated at one time and were among the best sites out there. Some of them do promise a return to being a regularily-updated site so we may want to know the old address.

ZHQ This site wouldn't be around today if it weren't for ZHQ. ZHQ was last updated on April 5, 2001. Read Niels's latest message. Whenever we get word of ZHQ updating again, we'll post about it here.
Hyrule: The Land of Zelda An absolutely useless site if you don't have Flash. If you do, though, you can see a leading site filled with lots of information, much of which is real and accurate and pertains to the English versions of the games. They also cover rumors and pre-release information including information based on Japanese versions of games before the English ones come out. Worth looking around if you've got some time. If the site isn't responding for a few days, keep trying because it has been known to do that but then to come back up later.
DekuTree.Com The successor to the very excellent and oft-updated site TGL (The Golden Land), this site launched under the name Zlda.Com but currently is named after its current address DekuTree.Com. The webmaster and staff of the site aren't getting along well with their affiliate network, VGF.Com, who owns the Zlda.Com domain, but it will probably be at DekuTree.Com for some time. It has been a decent sized site with editorials and commentary, some of which is actually about Zelda, passing over its main page. They also have a section called Classic Zelda worth checking out if you remember the NES and want to stroll through memory lane.

It could be that there are some other major Zelda sites that I haven't become aware of. If you think I'm missing some very prominent site, let me know. A larger "Links" section will be created after this site is really up and running good.